Public Campaign
Program called “The Świętokrzyskie Mountains – Our Future”
Office of the Marshal of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
We implemented the promotional campaign for the program called “The Świętokrzyskie Mountains – Our Future” devoted to the development of local and regional resources. The project was implemented as a part of the Swiss – Polish Cooperation Program.
Implementation period: April – October 2016
Territory: the region of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (cities: Kielce, Sandomierz, Opatów, Ostrowiec)
We elaborated a concept for a 4-month ambient media campaign conducted within the territory of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The actions embarked on providing information about the outcome of the program “The Świętokrzyskie Mountains – Our Future”, promoting the assets of the region and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.
The narration being a part of the campaign was based on stories telling about the achievements of local entrepreneurs whose history was presented in the installation titled “Fotoplastykon Świętokrzyski” (Kaiserpanorama of the Świętokrzyski region). As a part of the massive mobile exhibition, we presented inspiring stories of the residents of the region. The presentation of the Kaiserpanorama in every location was preceded with teasers led by animators.
Scope of works: elaboration of a concept for an ambient media campaign/ design and production of promotional media/ support in teaser activities/ logistics and staffing