The promotional zone of the Łódź Creative Sector
The City of Łódź
We are the authors of the concept concerning a promotional zone of the Łódź Creative Sector. The project was created for the purpose of promoting creative business activities in the City of Łódź during international events: Formex Stockholm, London Design Fair, Dutch Design Week.
The zone is inspired by the logo of the City of Łódź and it refers to the works by Władysław Strzemiński and Katarzyna Kobro. The project included displays for presenting small works of art, interactive multimedia solutions, and small space for business meetings and negotiations.
Along with the project of the promotional zone, we elaborated an idea of promotional activities to be implemented during international events and to take care of the content-related preparation of the exhibitors to present their offer on foreign markets.
Scope of works: preparation of an idea for a promotional zone – stand concept/ idea of promoting the offer during fairs/ idea of content-related preparation of the exhibitors to present themselves at international fairs – in cooperation with the Polish-British and Polish-Swedish Chambers of Commerce.